
9 RP Chapter 7

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Literature Text

9 RP
Written by *pieface123 and *Tifa-the-Strange

Or Love and Curses

They tried to be as quick as possible once the platform reached the floor below. Everyone was almost at the state of panic, practically running back to the bucket elevator.
Once reaching the church, 2 stopped everyone at the bottom of the bucket elevator. "Everyone get inside and hide, just in case 1 is awake, I'll distract him so you can get in." Everyone nodded and sat down inside the elevator, so as not to be seen. 2 shot the door and began to pull it up to the throne room, praying for the leader to be asleep.
He looked towards the throne room, the eldest of them sleeping in his chalice throne, his cape acting like a blanket as he snored, his optics flickering every now and then before mumbling something.
2 sighed in relief. Looking down at the others, "He's asleep... But not for long, come! We have to hurry!!"
7 and 5 got out as 2 held his hand out for 0, the twins pulling on 6 and 13's arms, getting them out of the bucket as they all scurried off to the metal box.
0 took his hand as she stood up, noticing 5 and 7's amused faces at their "leader" sleeping so oddly. 0 giggled, "Our leader, everyone," she gestured at 1 and everyone laughed softly.
They froze as their leader stood up, his optics flickering a bit. He raised his hand and spoke, "I DEMAND THat you... Praise the godliness that is I..." he fell back in his throne, snoring.
5 had this jumped into 7's arms with a yelp. "A-a scary leader..." he shivered and 7 just rolled his eyes and set him down. 2 chuckled, "Come along; let's go see if the twins and 6 got 13 in safely."

They went to the metal box, checking back on 1 ever so often before reaching the metal box. 6 and the twins reached the prison, 13 looked scared, shaking her head gently as the twins grabbed the lock. "I... I d-don't want t-to go b-back in there..."
0 frowned, "I know, 13... I wish there was more we can do..." 3 and 4 got the lock unlocked but 6 held 13's arm tightly, "I-I don't want her to go..." he whimpered.
13 looked down at 6 sadly yet she wanted to know why he said that. 7 waved back at 2 from her look out post, "We better hurry...!" 2 urged them.
6 stuttered quickly to 13, holding her hand. "I-it'll be okay... just... remember... D-dancing..." 6 smiled slightly at her.
13 stuttered before nodding, the twins closing the door and locking it.
She sadly sat down on her bed, grabbing the sock and holding it close, lying down on the cold bed as she did her best to remember the music and the moments of happiness she shared with the rest of the stitchpunks.
6 stated at the door with sad eyes. He whimpered and lowered his head. 0 pat his shoulder and ran her hand along the metal prison. "...this has gone on far enough hasn't it?"
2 nodded, "But we can't argue or defy 1, or else..." he stopped, clearing his throat, not wanting to even think about the consequences.
0's face scrunched up and she set her jaw, her hands turning to fists. "He makes me sick!! How can he do this to her?!"
"Superstition... I guess... From what he said the first night she woke up."
0 stayed silent, lowering her head and hiding her face with her hand. She just realized how tired she was.
2 placed his hand on her shoulder. "Come, we better rest."
All her madness seemed to melt away when he touched her. She relaxed her shoulders and sighed, "Alright, good idea."
2 smiled to her as he accompanied her to the elevator with the others.
0 rubber her optics and yawned slightly. Everyone else looked very drowsy too. It must have been from staying up all night.
5 was about to work on the leveler, until...
"What are you doing up here so early...?"
Everyone's optics seemed to shoot open as they all turned to face the source of the voice. "W-well... we... uhh," 5 panicked, his hand lingering on the lever.
"Well? Spit it out." 1 ordered, his cape over his shoulder as he placed his hat over his head, grabbing his staff.
5 began to stutter slightly, more nervous, "Umm, well...uhh." 0 held his shoulder to silence him, she smiled at 1. "Um, what he means to day is that...We were just... so excited to see you we had to get up early... right guys?"
They all nodded without question, smiling nervously. 1 huffed a reply, "Bah! Is that all?"
0 looked at the side for a while until looking back at the leader, "Ummm... sure."
1 scoffed, "Staying up all night just to see me awaken?" he walked towards his throne. "I may be important, but sleep is vital as well."
0 laughed, "We didn't stay up here all night... we just got up early since it's really hard to sleep when there's things lurking out there," she pointed at the stain glass windows.
He looked back to the stainless window. "So, you believe me about the dangers out there?" the elder looked serious when he mentioned about the danger.
0 was a little intimidated by his expression but nodded, "Y-yes..."
"Good. Because I didn't make it up." he glared back at them, "There is danger out there. And I still think it's her who attracts it if she stays out of her cage." he muttered before he dismissed them.
0 glared at him slightly as be mentioned 13, but 5 pulled the lever and they went down. 7 laughed when they were far enough away, "Our 'leader' is dumber than a rock."
"He may be, but he could be onto us..." 5 muttered, "What happened last night was too close, as it was right now..."
0 shook her head, "It's ridiculous on how we have to hide from him..."
"I agree, why should we even listen to him?" 7 replied. "Just because he's "leader" and threatening that poor girl."
0 nodded, "Well... we'll think of something... right now I'm sure everyone deserves a rest."
They all agreed and said their goodbyes as they walked off towards their rooms. 2 stretched his arms, yawning. "If we keep this up we'll never get any sleep. But it's worth it..."
0 nodded, "Hopefully we can convince 1 that she means no harm..." she blushed when she thought about the dance everyone shared. "A-and we can always get sleep... or have nights like that..."
2 chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, "W-we sh-should do that a-again sometime..."
0 smiled and nodded, "Y-yes... everyone seemed to have a good time... e-especially m-me..." she blushed.
"If... If w-we ever do a-another get-together l-like that... W-would you..." 2 stuttered a bit, blushing as well.
"W-would I what?" she giggled, fiddling with her hands.
"W-would you... l-like to d-dance with me... If w-we ever d-do that, I mean..."
0 nodded, smiling. "O-of course... I would love to...."
"Thank you, 0..." 2 replied softly.
0 nodded, smiling. "Of course, 2....." she wanted to get up the courage to hug him and tell him how much he meant to her and the others. But she only blushed and stayed silent.

8 sharpened up his knives as 1 sat on his throne, deep in thought. It was obvious that he didn't believe what the others had said; he could sense their lies in some way. He growled as the sound of 8's knives echoed through the throne room. "Would you stop that infernal racket?! I'm trying to concentrate!"
8 snapped his head to 1, his knifes stopping the noise, "O-oh…" he grunted.
"They're lying..." 1 muttered to himself, "They would obviously stay in their room wasting daylight instead of waiting for me..." he growled, "8, I have a small task for you..."
8 nodded, setting his knife sharpener down, listening obediently.

2 escorted 0 to her room, his hand never left hers. He looked at her ever so often, looking away whenever he thought he was going to be caught.
0 smiled when and turned to face him, "Thank you for... Well, everything…" she giggled.
"It was no trouble at all." He stood outside of her room, fiddling with his feet as he tried to say something else, yet he was speechless.
0 rubbed her arm, after a small silence she said, "Well... g-good...'night' I guess," she held her breath and moved over, kissing his cheek lightly. She waved and shut the curtain closed.
2 stood there for a moment, touching his cheek, smiling softly. He almost tripped when he walked towards his room with a dumbfounded smile. The elder sat down on his bed, his smile never left as his optics had a dreamy look to them.
0 leaned against a wall in her room, touching her lips and smiling, she laughed slightly as her face turned red.

They slept peacefully, their thoughts of the other. 2 hugged his pillow, muttering 0's name in his sleep.
0 laid awake in her bed, she smiled and closed her optics. Despite how exhausted she was, all she could think about was him.
The rest of them slept without stirring. 7 with the twins, 5 up in the watchtower as 6 held an ink bottle. They slept unaware of what their leader was planning.

Time passed while 6 was the first to awaken from his slumber, his optics swiveled to focus, and he yawned and used the ink bottle to straighten up. He smiled; it was time to draw something for 13. Hopefully it will lift her spirits. He stood up and scurried to the elevator, to go to his drawing room.
He worked on the leveler and opened the door once he reached the throne room. He yelped at the sight of 8 right in front of his face.
The big stitchpunk growled at the sight of the trembling artist. 6 cowered back against the end of the bucket, frozen in fear.
8 crossed his arms, waiting. 6 kept trembling as 8 growled, the artist slowly scurried off towards his drawing corner, hiding. 8 shook his head and walked inside the elevator and went down.
6 watched 8 head down from the safety of his corner. He wondered what the big brute was doing down there. He tried to ignore it; he had a drawing to get to.
He relaxed after he began to draw, drawing both the source and something special for 13.
His fingers glided across the paper, he wanted to recreate the whole night. Dancing with her made him feel like he was the top of the world. He drew every little detail, her expression calm and content, and his smile, happy and relaxed.
6 smiled every time he remembered how calm she was, without fear. He felt so happy every time he saw her whenever she wasn't upset.
6 liked seeing her happy, it made him happy. He wanted to remember the time where he just felt her in his arms, all the world blocked out as they moved to the music.
"T-13..." he muttered, holding his new masterpiece close to him. He poured his heart and soul into this drawing.
6 ran his hand across the picture of them dancing; he giggled and smiled at all the music notes surrounding them. He couldn't wait to show her!
6 then began to hum, closing his optics as he remembered the dance he shared with the 'unlucky' girl.
He wanted to hold her again; he wanted to hear the soothing music, his feet moving with her close to him. Next to drawing, it was the most amazing experience in his life.
"13... th-13..." he muttered, blushing for the first time.
6 layer down and cuddled up with his drawing of his beloved, a smiled plastered on his face. He closed his optics; he couldn't wait to see her again.

The sun began to set on the horizon, the stitchpunks awakened just a few hours ago, working on a few things in order to avoid their leader's orders. 2 and 5 finished up the telescope, yet the elder kept looking back at 0, who reorganized the watch tower. 7 stayed as babysitter for the twins, keeping them in line and out of trouble.
They all noticed that the big brute wasn't around, which made their jobs easier yet they grew suspicious.
6 had drawn more drawings of the source to pass the time as the others worked. When they were done and 1 was asleep they would visit 13 again. He smiled happily at the thought of her, looking back at his dancing drawing rolled up carefully in the corner.
He hid it so well that not even 1 could find it; he was afraid all day that 8 would enter his drawing corner and ruin his artwork, even if the biggest stitchpunk wasn't around.
6 had wondered where he was but all the thought of 13 made him get lost in his mind, only thinking of her and her happiness. That's all he wanted, her to be happy.
He began to draw again. Every swipe of his fingers full of meaning, he wasn't sure if he was drawing or thinking. It was as if he wasn't even there, his mind elsewhere but his hands drew out what he was thinking.
6 began to hum and sway his fingers, trying to remember the song they had danced to, all the moves replaying in his head.
He opened his optics after having them closed all this time. It was himself, dancing with 13, both figures very close to each other under a moonlit sky. What caught his attention was the little heart above their heads.
At that moment, 6 knew how he felt about the unlucky one, 13. He loved her, he wanted to dance with her forever and feel her hand in his. No longer could he stand to wait, he jumped up and happily scurried out if his corner.
"Why in such a hurry?" he froze at the voice. 1 was sitting in his throne, holding his staff tightly in his grasp.
6 immediately gripped his key and looked away, "I-I... I'm looking t-2 and 0..." he said, knowing that 1 wouldn't let him anywhere near 13.
"You were running towards the wrong direction." he said, walking towards the artist. He pointed to the elevator with his staff, "The way to the watch tower is that way."
6 nodded, fiddling with his fingers, "I-I know..." he muttered before slipping past the leader to trot to the elevator.
1 went back to his throne, keeping an eye on the artist who stuttered with the leveler.
6 avoided eye contact with 1 as he finally clicked the lever and pulled himself upwards, happy to get away from the leader.
Yet he was very disappointed as he ascended to the watch tower, away from his primary reason of being out of his drawing corner.
At least he could talk about his newly found feelings with his parental figures. The bucket came to the top and 0 smiled at who was there, "Hello, 6." she welcomed.
"H-hi..." he muttered as 5 cleaned the lens of the telescope, waving at the artist.
2 smiled at the artist, "What brings you up here, m'boy?"
6 didn't know what to say. He was like an overjoyed little boy on Christmas morning on the inside, but a very shy and nervous boy alone on the outside. He desperately wanted to tell them, he held his new piece of artwork with the little heart between the two figures.
0 looked over the drawing, her face smiling even more. She covered her mouth. "Oh, 6... You're in love with someone?" she said, pointing at the heart.
6 nodded, holding his key tightly. "O-1 didn't l-l-let me s-see her... H-he w-was in the t-throne room w-when I was g-going to s-see her..."
0 smiled even more, touching her chest, "Oh, you're in love with 13... How sweet," she rubbed his shoulder sweetly. "When did you start feeling this way?"
He explained the best he could, even with his stuttering voice, about how he felt when he held her, when they danced together, how he felt happy when he saw her smile. His optics were almost in a dreamy state as he kept talking about the girl.
0's smile turned softer when he finished. "Oh, 6, that is so romantic!! We will have to see her tonight so you can tell her."
"B-but..." 6 lowered his head, embarrassed. "W-what if..."
"What if what, dear?" 0 said, rubbing his shoulder. "You shouldn't be nervous, son." 2 chimed in. "I'm sure she cares about you the same way."
"B-but... What if... w-what if she d-doesn't...?" 6 said sadly.
5 said, "13 wouldn't be that cruel, 6... Besides, the way you two danced proved that you both have something special." 0 nodded and hugged 6, "Just give it a shot..." she pulled away and ruffled his hair. "Okay?"
6 nodded happily.
"AAH!!!!!" They looked towards the outside, 5 looked through the telescope. "Oh Creator...! It's... It's 8!"
"What?" 2 grabbed the telescope and looked. He saw 8 fighting with what looked like a machine... with bone parts.
0 scrambled over to the rail, and gasped, "Oh no... We have to help him!! Come on!!"
5 quickly grabbed his grappling hook and grabbed a few knives. "I... I can't believe this... 1 was right..."
"He may have been right about the danger outside..." 2 said, grabbing a long staff.
0 rummaged through the supplies until she found a long nail. "No time for that!! Come on, he needs our help." 0 grabbed 6's hand in comfort as they all climbed in the elevator.
"Dear Creator...!" They heard 1 as they went down. He looked back at them, "See?!? I warned you!! Danger lurks outside these walls!"
They all ignored him as they continued down to the main levels; as soon as the bucket hit ground they ran for the exit to go help.

13 heard the yells and stood up on her bed to look outside. She saw 8 and the beast, the rest of the stitchpunks running towards the threat. She gasped and shrunk down to her bed, remembering what 1 said when she awakened. That she is unlucky, that she attracted danger. Her body shook as she cried, sobbing as she curled up on her corner. All she could ever think of was that 1 was right.
9 and all related items (c) Shane Acker
0 (c) *pieface123
13 (c) *Tifa-the-Strange

Written by *pieface123 & *Tifa-the-Strange
Grammar checked and slightly edited by *Tifa-the-Strange

This is an RP I had and still working on with *pieface123, who is a wonderful girl and, not to mention, hilarious and makes me smile with her devious antics X3 LOL (We're calling it 9RP for now since it's difficult to give this a title, but I will give it chapter titles, just not a title for the story in its entirety XD;;; )
This RP is very loyal and very close to what happens to my character, 13, and how she evolves through out the story before 9 awakens and saves us all. With her permission I was able to post this EPIC story :D

CAUTION: This story may induce symptoms of laughter, feeling sympathy for the characters or tears, for it made me cry in most cases.

6... is in LUV!!!
© 2010 - 2024 Tifa-the-Strange
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sonicfighter's avatar
This story keeps getting better and better.